On so-called youth leaders who are in it not for the cause, but for themselves. Even if it means disempowering others to get there.
i have no (more) time to waste on self-absorbed power-hungry losers who put on a hypocritical do-gooder mask to achieve their self-indulgent power wanks
Note to self: Never - let yourself get to that. Don't you. Fucking. Ever.
whoa. take it easy man.
15/4/06 12:45
One might argue that it only gets to you as far as you care.
16/4/06 23:59
JW: i know.
johnny m: problem is, i do. both ways. by virtue of the fact that one is causal to the other.
19/4/06 07:24
Strong words! But a very good point to make. Take care you.
22/4/06 11:13
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