garota: Touching Base

random musings of a disparate nomad

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Touching Base

Apparently it's a phrase I've been using a lot.

Touched down about 12 hours ago.

Speaking at the UN Youth Conference was.. interesting. Age range wasn't too dissimilar from the delegates in Brasil - perhaps just not as wide - but they were quite a different lot altogether. Not having language translation issues made things a lot more candid, especially @Q&A. I did better in Brasil, and am thankful for the pointers JW gave me after. Among other things.

In 3+ hours I am facilitating at a workshop on the upcoming UN meeting on sustainable development in May, for civil society and youth groups in the enviroment and other sectors. Been thinking about lotsa random things to possibly say for the past hour, but nothing that picks my fancy. Bah.

I'm hoping that recently developed tensions with a colleague don't blow up in today's gig, especially since he's co-facilitating. That's a lot of interaction.

Beyond all those nitty gritties though, am hoping to generate good discussion on the issues today, and get people thinking about what they feel is important to bring to the table and Youth Caucus. If we actually get submissions during our post-workshop online consultations, we're on our way to building some solid cred with the establishment and - more importantly - the grassroots.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont touch touch lah. touch wait broken how?? must pay yewknow?


28/3/06 12:10

Blogger garota said...

*face palm*

28/3/06 12:23

Anonymous Anonymous said...

face palm???

i dont get it...hahaha. forget it. ill ring u and ask u later.


28/3/06 20:09


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