garota: Home Base

random musings of a disparate nomad

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Home Base

It feels so strange to be back. It's only been, oh, 3 hours since I stepped back into this house. But somehow I don't feel the ease that's supposed to come with being at home. It seems counter-intuitive, and I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that I've only spent 5 summers here - as opposed to my 5 years (and then some) in Sydney - or if I have grown so accustomed to being on the move that being in a "base" now feels weird.

Tokyo - NY - Sao Paulo - Curitiba - Buenos Aires - Recife - Rio de Janeiro - NY - Chicago - Boston

The past month has been an amazing whirlwind. The places, people, music, language (oh how I love Portuguese), friendships.. and a little bit more. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to fully reflect on the entirety of the past 5 weeks, or ever really take it all in, to begin with. But it's not really something that words on a blog could ever truly convey.

I'm still somewhat disoriented from my final week of travel. Giddy. It's cliched, and corny, to say it was a dream - fuck yeah, it was anything but. It was real. As much as traipsing aimlessly around London wasn't. I'm still struggling to comprehend the impossible reality that this actually happened in.. 6 days. (You've got to be kidding me.)

What a feeling.

Currently listening to: Brighter Than Sunshine | Aqualung

Damn this is growing on me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hur hur hur. Enjoy the rain in Singapore, it'll make the temperature just that tad similar to Sydney.

And I am still cleaning up the god damn house, why is it so hard...BUT I will prevail and wipe that pesky grime off. For the sake of my bond money...

Talk to ya soon and upload that nice pic of Ipaname soon.

14/1/06 23:36

Blogger garota said...

ming: will do. btw i might be getting a new baby. (it's gonna cost 1k+ to restore her vision.) can't bear the thought of replacing her though.

18/1/06 15:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm maybe you can ask them to take out the hard disk of the previous baby and use it as a protable hard drive?

That way, your data will still be intact, alternate method is to use the old baby with a monitor (something like the standard CPU+Monitor setup).

18/1/06 17:36


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