garota: Whazzup

random musings of a disparate nomad

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Ok, so this space has sorta degenerated to personal updates. Maybe sometime the social/political rants will be resurrected at some point in infinity.

Anyway, for the benefit of friends and those wondering what the hell is up with me:

  • Organised a 2-part workshop series on sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Got coverage for the project in the UN Millennium Campaign website, and got briefly quoted in TODAY (local press)

  • Working with UNIFEM Singapore to organise a film screening on human trafficking. It's showing March 15 @RJC.

  • Speaking at an Australian UN Youth Conference - this time on the MDGs, youth involvement in development, & the Singapore youth front of things. Sydney late March.

  • Representing UNIFEM Singapore at the upcoming UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD14). New York late April. This is part of a broader campaign to push for youth representation on Singapore govt delegations to the UN, eg. UN General Assembly, on an ongoing basis.

  • As part of the push for youth at CSD14, we are organising a grassroots workshop to skill-up and consult on relevant themes. We are coordinating a youth position, based on grassroots views and perspectives, which will be brought to the meeting. All part of abovementioned campaign.

  • Representing Singapore on the international youth secretariat of Halifax 2006 - series of global conferences on sustainable development. Halifax early July.

  • Going on a delegation to the inaugural Asia-Europe Youth Festival on Sustainable Development. Manila late July.

  • Also, recent weeks have seen major life decisions. Considering the possibility of basing myself in Singapore instead of Sydney, largely sparked by incidentally stumbling upon a job opening @Singapore International Foundation. I don't know if I can see myself working here and staying sane. But - as I often say - only one way to find out.

    I'm also unsure about how SIF might take my wanting to go to all the upcoming conferences, but - maybe them dropping me like a hot potato in response to these networking opportunities will tell me enough about the kind of organisation they are. (Or maybe I'm just preparing to console myself.)

    And then. The States. A tall, ancient, Irish, monumental figure located in Boston has captured my imagination, triggering an intense desire to locate there for a period of time - before circumstances get in the way. This is a potentially huge sliding door for me, and I'm not about to let it slide past me - as far as I can help it.


    Blogger Johnny Malkavian said...

    you forgot ktv.

    9/3/06 13:02

    Blogger garota said...

    yes. and ktv. and doing an a capella gig - in chinese (!).

    10/3/06 09:14

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ABout SIF, forgot to inform you that they are somewwhat more bureacratic nowadays. From my MR contact.

    11/3/06 06:04

    Blogger garota said...

    ming: yah, i heard.. guess we'll see if that's manageable won't we. btw they said they're selecting interviewees, still (!).

    21/3/06 16:59

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Jia you ba!

    21/3/06 18:59

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    good to know you're alive and well.

    22/3/06 12:11

    Blogger Chest Freezer said...

    Finally Stumbled upon your blog again for more updates! So many things happeninG!

    LoL. Interesting about the SIF one, what kind of job opening is that, in which department?

    30/3/06 15:50


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