Rousing the Rally
Many of you have requested the transcript of Bernise Ang’s address to the anti-VSU rally on Thursday. She spoke as an international student, and has been involved in campaigns with the NLC on some issues raised in the address.
Here it is - as close as it gets anyway:
Hi everyone -
[crowd cheers]
Can I just say that “Voluntary” Student Unionism has got to be the biggest, fucking misnomer I’ve ever heard.
It’s not about freedom of choice, it’s about SILENCING OUR VOICE!
[crowd cheers wildly]
You’ve heard how student fees are needed for services. Some of these that are really important to international students are things like - orientation programs - equity programs - childcare - counselling -
[more cheers]
Student fees are crucial for campus life - I cannot overstate the value of a vibrant campus community life for our time at uni.
So, international students come here - what are we faced with? No travel concessions - [interrupted by cheers] - despite contributing 5.9 billion Australian dollars to this economy!
[crowd cheers]
Ridiculous visa conditions - that restrict our freedom to express our dissent, and participate in rallies - peaceful rallies - such as this one -
[more cheers]
And to top it all off, we have NO VOTE - and are therefore fucking invisible!
[cheers get louder]
As students, we deserve a full education experience - that is more than just about getting the degree, and then getting out - most of all, as students - students of ANY nationality - we have a RIGHT to voice out on issues that we care about - and NOBODY - not Howard, not Nelson - has the right to take that away from us.
[crowd goes wild]
I want to send out a message to Howard that international students are ready to mobilise across the country, we are ready to mobilise international media, and we will bring down that 5.9 billion - IF YOU KEEP ATTACKING STUDENT ORGANISATIONS!
[crowd goes ballistic]
Technorati: VSU, activist, Australia