Narky networking and other rants
Canberra was good.
Made some really good contacts, like former head of Contact Singapore (Sydney) Robert Tay, Singapore International Foundation Honourary Student Councillor Martin Gomes, a bunch of Queensland-based Singapore Student Association presidents, High Commission First Secretary Peter Kong, and the High Commissioner Joseph Koh himself. Gotta say, after meeting Mr Koh, I just can't bring myself to call him His Excellency. (Of course I meant that in terms of calling him Uncle instead. :P)
I didn't manage to capture much of their attention on Youth-Led Development, unfortunately - but it was a funny contrast to see them all rapt by my Singapore peak body idea. (I apologise for being unable to elaborate on the peak body at this point, as it's way too early days to disclose anything here.) I was surprised by the amount of interest they took in it - coming up to me to chat specifically about it after - although an earlier conversation with someone familiar with them alerted me to the possibility of career-vested interests being a driving impetus.
What was interesting, nonetheless, was the fact that I could potentially get something to the tune of $65, 000 from Contact Singapore in seed funding to set up the peak body, if they like the proposal. However I am being cautiously calculated on whether or not to even seek this money, because of the possible loss of autonomy - which I am not prepared to let the organisation suffer.
In the coming weeks and months, lots of changes will be happening: setting up the official steering committee for the peak body's establishment; ceasing to be Australian and pledging by oath my allegiance to Singapore; writing stuff for Oxfam UK; finding out if I will be going to Kenya, Colombia, Thailand or wherever else for 6-12 months.
Feeling somewhat annoyed about being bogged down by stupid crap like graduation paperwork, chasing up the bank and Centrelink on money issues, and finding an authorised lawyer for my oath-taking.
Bah. Irritatis maximus. (Pardon my stream-of-consciousness ranting.)
I'm so glad there's the WPAY+10 strategising to keep me going.
Actually, while I'm at it - I might as well throw this one to the floor: how do you reckon Youth-Led Development can be incorporated in a Youth Resolution of the UN urging governments to enlarge the role of youth in national development and poverty reduction strategies? How would that text look like?
Bear in mind this is not a policy document, but a resolution which basically serves to affirm commitment rather than define how to implement it. So it doesn't need to have specific recommendations like you would see in a policy document.
We have until Oct 1 to negotiate text with the Portuguese mission facilitating the resolution drafting; gmail your ideas to ipanema.garota or comment on this space.