garota: Paradigm Shift

random musings of a disparate nomad

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Paradigm Shift

Yes, folks... I am home.

Thanks to everyone for your concern, encouragement and interest; it has been sincerely appreciated.

I have since slept some, but suspect I'll be needing more to recover from/cope with this... paradigm shift. A particularly whimsical and oddly beautiful experience of the last few days has touched me in a way that refuses, on all levels, comparison or parallels. It is also making this transition - back to earth - amazingly difficult.

I feel like I'm gonna need to lie low for a little bit while I collect myself - 'cool my jets', if you will. If it's ever possible. Like that was ever possible.

I will be busy picking up the fragments of my scattered melancholy, while I try to eke out - and piece together - some semblence of sense and normalcy, if those words should apply to me still. In the way they used to, anyway.

Let this be a prolonged open thread - make of it what you will. Be creative!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened to "statistics and chance"? that was so beautifully written - one of your best yet, in spite of the brevity.

also, i'm jealous of whoever it was who inspired you to write like that. ;)

17/8/05 07:01

Anonymous Anonymous said...


17/8/05 07:13

Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sees, in the distance, light clouds floating in the blue sky & the briefest glimpse of someone resembling garota lying on them as they float over the oceans*

Welcome back to Oz. Don't get too light headed now, can't have you floating around the sky these days, especially with the unpredictable winter weather ;)


17/8/05 11:59

Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back woman, it's good to know you're in sydney again. :)

17/8/05 21:41

Blogger Beach-yi said...

arlow. welcome back.

18/8/05 01:05

Blogger rench00 said...

some quick comments on some of the comments on your other posts:

my comment about strikes... i was half-joking. though i think that you must admit that it is rather selfish of people to inconvenience others for their own gains. but it cuts both ways of course.

so... ya. (bean?) :) one has to wonder whether there are better ways of resolving a conflict, whether the management could have done something to make the strikes unnecessary in the first place.

but i'm glad to hear that your entire trip, complete with all the wrong turns, and mis-adventures (which are what, in my opinion, makes it more fun...), has been so fruitful.

i'm sure you're not blacklisted. the reason your letters to the forum aren't printed is probably more to do with the content of the letters than the person who wrote them. the forum pages in the straits times are... well... not that radical.

you know you are blacklisted when you have people trailing you. and when they have a file in ISD about you. which i don't think you have yet. cos, for all intents and purposes, i don't think you are that high up in profile yet. i.e. in their eyes, you are still pretty harmless... maybe because they still think that you are nothing more than a tree hugging hippie... but oh... how wrong they are...:) but let's not tell them that yet... :)

19/8/05 02:16

Blogger zeĆ¼ss said...

Good Morning from Singapore, how are you girl? I've not written or called since our last conversation in May :) Looks like you are kept busy looking at the blogs of things. Keep me updated, babe :)

PS: So... are you really married?

22/8/05 13:01

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blog Comments Board spam...will those hammy spammy people never leave anything alone?!

Garota married? What???


22/8/05 13:13

Blogger garota said...

j: thank you. i *may* put it back up at some stage, depending on how close my heart feels to my sleeve.

johnny m: *hug*

A.Crab: you are too cute. and thank you.

hoot & beach-yi: thanks. and, i want to have coffee. soon.

rench: yes, it cuts both ways - i think, ultimately, it boils down to value priorities. but you knew i was going to say that. and thank you (again)! we should go shopping again sometime ;)

zeuss: welcome! it's good to see you here. and (this goes to A.Crab too) of course i'm not married - settled the divorce papers ages ago. now i see the kids 4 times a week, which suits me (& my girlfriend) fine. lol.

22/8/05 15:13


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