garota: Stranded in London, Part II

random musings of a disparate nomad

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Stranded in London, Part II

I have simply not been able to escape drama, this trip.

I am now stuck at LHR once more, in Terminal 1 this time.

It seems there has been an "industrial action" – or strike – involving staff related to all BA flights. At this point, all UK domestic and Europe flights have been cancelled. BA has advised affected passengers to source accommodation which would be reimbursed at a later stage.

There is a huge swarm of tired, angry and impatient people on the ground floor of Terminal 1.

I’m just finding this all too amusing.

But also a little concerned – all my connecting flights from Helsinki to Bangkok and Sydney are going to be missed. I’ve since sent an email to my travel agent, and am wondering what news he’ll have for me, come Sydney morning in about, oh, 5 hours.

On the upside, I get to book myself in at a decent hotel room tonight. Yay for not sleeping with strangers who rummage through my backpack while I’m away. And hopefully I’ll have dinner or breakfast with a friend or two.

For now, the smoke at this airport pub (of sorts) is getting to me (and my contacts), so I’m gonna get my ass outta here.


Blogger burn666 said...


Sorry to hear about you having to go through the same ordeal again. Been reading about the 'industrial dispute' and, despite it not being under BA but rather in support of the people working for their food caterer, it seems to be pretty bad in Heathrow.

Anyhow, i'm sure it'll be cleared up soon(ish) - just relax a little in the meanwhile! :)

12/8/05 16:05

Blogger burn666 said...

Hey B, if you have the time take a gander (and maybe even chuck in your own experience) at the BBC News page set up for those who are stuck at Heathrow:


12/8/05 19:52

Blogger Lemming said...

Ah, I saw that bit on the CNA and wondered if you would be affected. Guess you were, there was footage that people were given meals? Hope you got your full board and fare!

Hope to see yer really soon!

13/8/05 02:08

Blogger Chest Freezer said...

You take care in there B. Haven't come online on the weekend and I'm surprised by what has happened!

You seem to have the most interesting things happen to you!

In the meantime, I'm getting annoyed at strikers reading the comments on people who are stranded following Burn's link. Some people do -need- to fly.

15/8/05 10:21

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to have enough material for a book just based on this Europe trip!


15/8/05 11:36

Blogger eg9 said...

happy trails huh... :)

still, what would life teach us without roadbumps?


fly home safely.

15/8/05 16:50

Blogger garota said...

burn666, lemming, juzhen, chest freezer, eg9: thanks guys. i'm just glad i made it back ok. was pretty interesting getting thru all the obstacles. character building ha!

A.Crab: it would be a thin book full of inane details that i'd refuse to put my name on. but if the current mass media is anything to go by, it'd probably sell some! lol.

rench: this would be too long a debate that would be inconclusive, and i have too much to say, but i will say just this - i respect your ideologically different standpoint.

17/8/05 02:14

Blogger Beach-yi said...

SOmetimes I think people have too much expectations on what they expect of teh mass media.

It is preceisely it caters to the majority, that it does not matter that the contents seem to be inane. Because, at the end of the day, ordinary people need something light to take their minds off the daily grind.

You know, the effects of the seperation of the man and the labour of creation etc etc.

19/8/05 04:58

Blogger garota said...

beach-yi: wakaranaikedo.. setsumei shite kudasai?

22/8/05 16:11


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