garota: May 2006

random musings of a disparate nomad

Monday, May 01, 2006

CSD-14: T-5hrs

The Youth Blast was a, well, blast. Great workshop - covering stuff from CSD mechanisms + history, to nailing down priorities, to an environmental justice scavenger hunt workshop.

Check it out here.

Also, yesterday's NGO caucus at the Crown Prince Hotel was really useful too - it's so much a bigger world than that of the Youth Caucus, and opened my eyes to the labyrinth I'll need to navigate over the next 2 weeks.

More here.

I know I'm being really slack about blogging, but I'm really tired, and it's time to get ready to face the first official day of CSD-14. I haven't even read through the Non-govt Liaison Service Compendium on UN civil society engagement yet - egad!

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garota productions 2005