garota: Circumventing the mainstream media

random musings of a disparate nomad

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Circumventing the mainstream media

Oh, wow.

I have *just* received a reply from Edgar Koh, editorial chief of the UNDP.

Thought I'd try my luck with a long shot, since none of the local (Singapore) mainstream papers - even if we all know they are the one corporate entity - picked up on the original media release on the WYC Policy Document.

But you never know what you get if you don't try.

This gives me much more momentum when I send my loving package, replete with fresh media release, cover letter + policy document, off to PM Lee's office and Dr B in about... half an hour.

So, my point - and this goes out to WYC delegates (and all youth activists!) from countries that don't take their youth seriously enough - is this:

Find other ways. Get people in higher places to help you. Use contacts to get there.

Be shameless.

ps. The darned Policy Document is up! Check it out here.

Update: Back in Oz:

VSU was taken off the agenda for the most recent sitting of Parliament, for both House of Reps and the Senate - as per our anticipation in the event that dissidents in the Coalition and Nelson's office couldn't converge. Apparently, for the last couple of weeks, Nelson has been meeting with the dissidents nearly everyday in a bid to reach some mutually agreeable deal - which clearly hasn't been reached (yet).

The anti-VSU campaign is having an effect. Amazing.

AAP 22 Aug: Students, police defend debate action
Australian 20 April: VSU will keep foreign students overseas


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on getting Edgar Koh's helping hand!

I'll certainly pass the word along to my friends!


24/8/05 20:43

Blogger rench00 said...

yup... it definitely helps to go all the way to the top.

another of my friend got much money from NYC by emailing his proposal directly to PM.

just to play the devil's advocate, methinks that most singaporeans will not really bother about the WYC thing.

HAVING SAID THAT, i'm quite surprised that the Singapore Media didn't immediately jump on your story and made a big show out of how Singapore youths are really great, etc etc. i would have thought that that's what they always do, finding someone to put on the pedastal, and claiming credit for making that person who he/she is today.

ah well.. who knows how they work.

25/8/05 11:00

Blogger garota said...

jw: unfortunately the endpoint isn't even halfway near. obstacles aplenty - read next post.

rench: tell me about it. still hounding sonny yap tho. see how it goes. and will certainly bear in mind what you said about NYC.

26/8/05 01:53

Blogger Chest Freezer said...

Good one. Congratulations things a happening on your side! Have been following your blog with interest.

Hope you don't mind, I sent off your press release (It is after all public domain isn't it? Heh.) to the SIF O/S executive in charge of the brisbane SIF programme, and U Martin the HSC in Brisbane to create exposure and to draw attention that you highlighted the SIF O/S programme and their name too.

31/8/05 11:51


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