garota: (No)mad

random musings of a disparate nomad

Monday, July 11, 2005


Just got back from Newcastle. Room is in a mess - and me, in a state of restlessness. It feels so good to be back in my own space, with my music playing on my speakers... and yet, I cannot calm my unsettled, scattered mind. My unsettled, scattered self.

It's only halfway through the 5-conference-in-a-stretch mayhem, but I feel the ominous fatigue creeping its way nearer and nearer to me, furtively, almost like a shadow closing in with stealthy motion to consume my salient, sentient, defenselessness.

So far, it's been Ed Con, QC, NLCAC. Tomorrow, AMUNC starts. I have yet to read any background papers, nor committee guides. I have 5 hours to go, and no sleep since... almost exactly 48 hours. (This time for totally frivolous reasons - only clue being an L word - how about that!) (Seems strange that I'm being proud for the wrong reasons. Lol.) I'm glad my general all-round inquisitiveness led me to at least some 'leisure' reading on HRW some time back.

It's somewhat frustrating to find myself in such a scattered state, mainly because the past coupla weeks have been a really positive experience overall - and my mottledness is refracting that with a perspex sheet of noise. Distracting, white, noise.



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