garota: Nadir of the Summit

random musings of a disparate nomad

Friday, July 08, 2005

Nadir of the Summit

And now we interrupt your program "Perth Reminiscence" for a few short messages.

Tomorrow is the final day of the G8 summit. Today, London is bombed.

An immediate question that comes to mind is, of course: Are the two linked?

Blair's overt determination not to let the bombings stop the summit suggests such a link. In particular, his comments about the intended timing of the attacks - to coincide with Africa talks on opening day - are quite revealing.

If the attacks were indeed a form of pressure amplifying debt relief demands by much of the anti-poverty movement, I am deeply disturbed by 2 things on the part of the perpetrators:

i) Blatant disregard for the British civilians' right to life

ii) Counter-productivity for the anti-poverty movement by a) disregard for the rule of law; and b) sending a diametrically contradicting message of objectives for economic justice through acts that conflict with social justice

I am particularly disappointed about the damage that these acts have inflicted upon the work of so many others - who have been fighting so long and hard for economic justice and rights - for the very people who suffer at the hands of such wanton recklessness.

No, I am not disappointed. I am angry.

I am hoping that this anger mounting inside me is at least in part due to lack of terrorist intelligence from the recency of the attacks. I want need to be proven wrong.

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Blogger rench00 said...

see my blog for comments on this.

8/7/05 19:21

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrorists make easy explanations. It takes attention away from problems nobody wants to look at or try to solve. It feeds the media circus. It keeps politicians in the news as upholders of everything good and righteous. Ask yourself, who would have most to gain from the bombings?

For all purposes and intent, you can/have to only pull a 9/11 _ONCE_.

10/7/05 01:10

Blogger garota said...

johnny m: more than easy explanations, i think terrorists make easy targets. and i agree that a 'war on terror' is politically expedient for those who wage it.

but it doesn't take away from the fact that this bombing happened, nor the message that may be (shock horror) linking anti-poverty and the blasting of transport systems together.

11/7/05 20:02


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