garota: Leaving on a jet plane

random musings of a disparate nomad

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Leaving on a jet plane

- once more, in less than 12 hours.

Have yet to recover fully from the dreadful throat inflammation, or to finish packing. Feeling rather unprepared, although that's not beyond a standard deviation.

The scattered-ness hasn't disappeared, which isn't particularly helpful for my pre-flight manic-packing mayhem.

I'm looking forward, though, to seeing home once again. Despite the fact that I won't be able to meet up with as many as I would have time indulge me.

Outstanding things on the to-do list sit on my mind, jutting out, against the knowing defenselessness that time will not allow me that luxury.

Many other thoughts clamour for space, stubbornly refusing to conform to any manner of traffic order of sorts. How they flow in such uniform precision in Coruscant and others of the Galactic Alliance baffles me. Then again I should remind myself of the fictional nature of, well, fiction.

But my stream-of-(un)consciousness rambling betrays my sleepless fatigue.

Go to bed.


Blogger Chest Freezer said...

Have a good trip u!

I usually find that pre-flight packing mania compresses your thought processes and zooms in on what you actually -need- to bring therefore saving time!! (Wallah! Genius!)

In the meantime, take care and have lots of fun!

21/7/05 10:59

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting the spelling of Coruscant correct. And I see you've found Hyperspace - we'll make a SW geek out of you yet.

Fatigue's getting to me too, though the kind I experience stems from the monotony of the work I do. My off on mondays never seems to come quick enough, even if most of the time I just spend the whole day at home doing nothing.

21/7/05 11:31

Blogger garota said...

chest freezer: thank you angel! will do. :)
johnny m: how about a quick trip up to london to break some monotony? :) i'll be there 8-11 aug; it'll be great to hang out. and no i'm not kidding.

22/7/05 05:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Sunday night after work or Monday would be for more convenient, and significantly cheaper. You still have my number?

22/7/05 10:36


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