garota: Extra at City Extra

random musings of a disparate nomad

Monday, November 14, 2005

Extra at City Extra

Few nights ago, I was out having a late night supper at City Extra at Circular Quay.

In between talkative bites of my chicken panini, J pointed out a middle-aged guy sitting in the open-air area on the other side of the glass, alone. J's assessment of the guy was, "homeless": raggedy clothes, unkempt hair, tattered rucksack, staring blankly at food.

From where I sat, it was hard to make out his features, but he seemed to me a kindly old fellow enjoying his solitude and the simple pleasure of his croissant and tea.

J continued talking. Poor guy, he must feel so lonely.

My eyes had already started darting around the room for a napkin. Crap! Did I not bring my pen out? Rummage rummage. Ah, found it.

And started scribbling.
Hey mate! Just saw you from across the glass and thought you reminded me of an uncle I've got back in Singapore. Anyway, just wanted to send you a warm, sunshiney smile, because... because humanity could do with more of that sometimes eh. Also, just felt like saying that I think there's always a little good in people - sometimes it's just harder to see it!

Someone once told me something that touched me, and now I want to share it with you.

There's always a better tomorrow to look forward to. But *we* have to create that tomorrow for ourselves.

I wish for you a better tomorrow, mate. :)

Folded the napkin gently, and purposefully proceeded to where he was seated, and tapped him as he was getting ready to leave. I tried to get his name, so I could actually address the note to him.

"Why do you want my name?"

"Coz.. I wrote you a note, and I thought it'd be good to get your name."

"A note? Why'd you write me a note? You don't even know me. You should get to know people first.. don't assume things about people."

That last comment took me by surprise. I quickly did a mental scan of the train of thoughts going through my head as I was writing the note.

"Yeah.. I did write you a note, but... no, I didn't make any assumptions about you. You don't need any assumptions to send another human happy thoughts, right?" and I smiled at him warmly. And passed the note. And walked away.

From my angle, I couldn't see what he did with it. According to J, he read it for quite a while, then kept it in his pocket.


Blogger Johnny Malkavian said...

Because of you, I am me.

But it's not what you think it is.

15/11/05 00:51

Blogger Beach-yi said...

You did assumed something about him, that he could read at a certain level.

But then again, in life, no matter how much we try to avoid, assuming something or some quality of some stranger is almost inevitable.

15/11/05 23:54

Blogger Johnny Malkavian said...

The least we can do is to be honest about it.

16/11/05 18:46

Blogger burn666 said...


18/11/05 23:41

Blogger Mykel said...

If only everyone was brimming with the same amount of optimism as yourself!

23/11/05 04:03

Blogger garota said...

johnny m: i'm not sure if that was directed to me, but i'm not sure what to make of it either way.

beach-yi: perhaps. i guess it's a question of what nature of assumptions then.

burn666: :)

mykel: well, i believe there's innate optimism in most humans.. just a matter of how close to the surface it is. (but that's just me.) ;)

26/11/05 17:51


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